
5-Day Club Kit Here at CEF of Peninsula, we love to train teens to present the gospel to children. The kids look up to the teens and are impressed that they love Jesus, too! But, if you don’t have trained teens around, you can teach a 5-Day Club yourself at Read more…


Easter Story Cookies Making these cookies together the day BEFORE Easter is a hands-on object lesson for children of just how much Jesus loves you and them. Each ingredient represents a part of the Easter story, including the surprise ending – an Empty Tomb! Tools & Ingredients 1 cup whole Read more…


Do you ever feel like you are running on empty? You want to be more connected to God, but life gets busy and days go by without reading His Word. Your prayer life is bullet points. If you long to have an impact on the children and grandchildren in your Read more…


Uncovering the Real Nativity (published by Answers in Genesis) Christmas is a favorite time of year for many. It’s a season full of joyful celebration and family traditions. But are all of the “staple” elements we ascribe to Christmas truly Biblical? This wonderful little booklet will look at questions like: Read more…


Does determining whether a child understands the Gospel seem daunting to you? Your child/grandchild is asking questions about how to know if he is ready for heaven, how to tell God he believes Jesus is the Savior. How can you be sure she knows the meaning of Jesus’ death and Read more…


Let children in your Good News Club or Sunday school class share the message of salvation with friends and family by wearing a Wordless Book wristband. Each section of the brightly colored silicone wristband represents one part of the Gospel: Heaven and God’s love, the darkness of sin, the blood Read more…