Children’s workers have differing opinions on when to offer incentives.

Is it OK to give a reward for memorizing scripture? How about prizes based on attendance, or good behavior?

Of course, these incentives mean a child is already coming to a Sunday school or Good News Club and learning about Jesus and His Father’s love.

Churches have picnics with bouncy houses to attract new families, and teen leaders encourage inviting friends to retreats and Christian concerts. CEF trains our workers in ways to make Good News Clubs fun and fast-moving – all with the goal of sharing the Message of Salvation with children.

Tom Boor recently shared his idea of using an incentive to encourage children in GNC to invite their friends. Combine the challenge with an immediate reward.

  1.  Have a GNC Invitation Envelope available each week – complete with a registration form and note to parents inside.
  2. When a member brings a friend to the GNC, BOTH the child and friend get to pick a treasure chest prize.

Here is a testimony from Ernestine Sledd of the James River GNC who decided to try it with one little girl:

“Two weeks ago, Jane* asked for an invitation envelope/registration form for two of her friends. She brought in one child last week. I waited until we had closing prayer. Then I announced to the class that because she had brought in her friend that they both would receive a gift from the treasure box. As the class was leaving, they all asked for invitation envelopes.”

The next week, the friend who came brought his brother. The week following, Jane’s other friends came – two brothers. Five children went to the treasure box as a result – Jane, her friend, his brother, and the two new brothers. Stay tuned.

As Tom pointed out, “While CEF will do any crazy thing to draw a child to club, CEF is absolute in not offering rewards of any kind for a child to accept Christ.” That is the Holy Spirit’s work alone in a child’s heart.

What we can do is encourage children to be missionaries – bring your friend to hear about Jesus. Always make the club a fun and a joyous time, so they want to share that with others.

*Name changed for privacy purposes