This summer 60-80 youth from all around Virginia will be trained through Christian Youth in Action© to teach 5-Day Clubs©. Boys and girls will play fun games, sing and hear how Jesus wants to be their Savior and friend.
What can you do?

  1. Pray about sending a team of teens to CYIA training camp from your church.
    It’s not too late to sign up. Contact: Kevin Mooers, tel. 804-580-0863.
  2. Give to CEF of VA to make training free for families with hardships.
  3. Enlist several teams of adults and teens in your church to conduct mini-VBS clubs in neighborhoods throughout the summer using a 5-Day Club Kit. This is a wonderful outreach that can touch whole families!

This year’s 5-Day Club curriculum kit consists of:

  • Jesus: My Savior and Friend lesson flashcards and text
  • Hudson Taylor missionary lesson flashcards and text
  • Visualized songs: Have You Heard, Jesus Is the Good News, No Turning Back
  • Music CD

Other resources: Word-Up teaching booklet, ESV verse visual booklet, 25 ESV verse token sheets, 2×3 Wordless Book, How to Lead a Child to Christ leaflet, Guiding a Child to the Savior, prayer visual, map, and UPs rules.

Comes in a red and black tote.

Order from online or by phone 800-748-7710.

Jesus: My Savior and Friend 5-Day Kit ESV – $97 (KJV also available)

Great for summer ministry: VBS, 5-Day Club®, camp, and mission trips.