The Greatest Doctor

Life seems to be on hold for now. We are waiting for a vaccine so kids can go back to school safely. Scientists are working hard to design and improve treatments for those diagnosed with COVID in order to save lives.

Each person has to assess the risk of exposure and decide what activities make sense for him and his family: grocery shopping, going to church, celebrating special days with family, taking a trip. There is a level of caution/anxiety/fear in simply being near people. Who would have dreamed of this happening to our world?

There is another sickness that each person on earth “caught” and is living with right now – that is a sin nature that is opposed to God’s righteousness. The Good News is that God has already provided the ONE cure – faith in Jesus’ self-sacrifice.

You can download this brochure and read it with your children or grandchildren, or send the “address” in an email with an appointment to talk about it together. What message is more important in this time of uncertainty?

Categories: Resources