“Miss Martha, I need to ask Jesus to forgive my sins!” Ian* was insisting. He had been listening closely in after-school Good News Club.
After the Bible lesson that day, Ian responded to a short invitation to trust Jesus. What a privilege it was to ask Ian what he knew about our Holy Creator God, what Jesus has done to pay the penalty for sin, and what the commitment to believe in Jesus means. He prayed a simple prayer telling God he was sorry for sin and was trusting in Jesus as his Savior. The angels rejoiced!
How I wish there was a Good News Club in every school here on the Peninsula, so all children could hear the Gospel message! “How are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?”1 Who will obey God’s command to “GO therefore and make disciples of all nations.”2?
You may not be able to volunteer to serve 21 weeks out of the year in an after-school Good News Club. Are you willing to help plan and execute a one-day Christmas Party Club in a home or school near you? Perhaps your church would be willing sponsor and raise up a team of 5-7 adults to teach the marvelous true meaning of Christmas to elementary children in the neighborhood.
Our CEF Peninsula Chapter will be holding a FREE training for anyone who will commit to a 75 minute Christmas Party Club in your home, a nearby community center, or the elementary near you. Each team of volunteers will be provided a party kit with written instruction for Immanuel, God with Us Bible lesson, complete with ideas for games, songs, snacks, a Bible review game, and craft.
May God Bless You as you step out in obedience!
The training will take place on Saturday, November 11, 2023, location TBD. If you love children and want to reach outside your church walls, contact us to reserve a spot in CPC training and your FREE lesson materials:
Tom Boor
757-871-6382 Email
Martha Clouse
740-972-1689 Email
*Name changed to protect privacy
1 Romans 10:14
2 Matthew 28:19