Do you ever feel like you are running on empty? You want to be more connected to God, but life gets busy and days go by without reading His Word.

Your prayer life is bullet points. If you long to have an impact on the children and grandchildren in your lives, spending time with God is even more critical!

The One Year Bible is unique in that each daily reading includes portions from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. You will not get bogged down in Leviticus this time!
The Plan:

  1. Determine to read God’s Word for 10 minutes each day.
    (You may just get on a roll and spend more time reading ahead!)
  2. Mark off each reading as you complete it.
  3. Ask God what He is telling you today – is it…
    • Who He is, His character?
    • Who you are in Christ?
    • A principle for godly living?
    • A heart-check for a wrong action or attitude?
  4. Don’t worry if you are behind the dated readings, you may finish in 1 year or 2.

You will have a place to start when that 10 minute time period opens up. God bless you this year with a deepening connection to Him as you listen to Him (His Word) and talk to Him about what you are learning.

The One Year Bible is published by Tyndale House, available online from

Categories: ResourcesTraining