Testimonials from 2019

The Lord used faithful followers this past year to make a difference in the lives of children and teens. These are a few highlights:

I want to thank you and your team for the enthusiasm with which you teach Stephen* about Jesus during Good News Club. Stephen* looks forward to Mondays and we talk about GNC all week. And I look forward to hearing about the lessons he learns when I pick him up. We love our son more than anything in this world and we believe that his participation in GNC helps make him a well-rounded citizen with trust and respect for God.

GNC Parent


A first-grade boy came to Good News Club for the first time on October 31. His mother stayed in the room for most of the hour. At dismissal she thanked the GNC team and expressed that this was the very first time her son had heard about God.

Carol S, GNC Coord, NN


One third grade boy at GNC asked to help during the counseling time. After I explained salvation, David* asked if he could show them with the Wordless Book. He presented the complete Gospel story perfectly. Although none of the children asked to receive salvation that day, each one listened intently. God is working, using even an eight-year-old new believer, to plant His seeds!

Diana D, GNC Leader


I think going to Christian Youth in Action training camp brought me closer to God. Sometimes it’s hard to openly be Christian at school because so many people have a negative connotation about Christianity. I met so many godly Christians who were really strong in their faith and that gave me the courage to not hide my faith. CYIA camp is a good way to rewind and focus more on God because the there’s no distractions from the outside world. I really wish it was longer.

Melissa S, 5-Day Club Team


Our Good News Club is small, but God is using His Word to change lives. Teachers have visited the homes of each child at our GNC. As a result, three families have started to attend our supporting church. Hallelujah for the father that received Jesus into his heart due to the home visit!

Milton G, GNC Leader


Thank you for your faithful support by praying, giving and volunteering. We thank God for you and your partnership in reaching children for Jesus!

*Name changed to maintain privacy.

Categories: Testimonial