At church on Sunday, we sang the Chris Tomlin song, “How Can I Keep From Singing (Your Praise)? The words keep coming back to me:

… How can I keep from singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting Your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing

The Thanksgiving season is a reminder to continually offer praise and thanksgiving to our Lord for Who He is and all He has done.

Our CEF Peninsula family has so much to be thankful for and we give all praise to Him:

  • That God loved us unconditionally and send His son as our Redeemer.
  • Jesus promised He will be with us always, even to the end of the age.
  • He has given us a hope and a future – everything we need for life and godliness.
  • God has distributed natural talent and spiritual giftedness to His children to build up the body of Christ.
  • Jesus loves the least of these – the children – and tells us to let them come to Him.
  • You are partners with us – volunteers, supporters in prayer, givers – ambassadors for Christ.

How we praise our Lord for the salvation He has provided for you and me! We are thankful for all He is doing through this ministry for children. We are thankful for you, dear ones.

Martha Clouse

Acting Committee Chair